Help Document for Carrier Users (FLS)

This article contains the basic information required by the Carrier Users.

CSM avatar
Written by CSM
Updated over a week ago


1] Login Process

To log into the account, visit:

This is the Login Page needed to be filled to log into the account. 

*All the three fields are mandatory.

Account field has to have fls-transportation and the combination of Username and Password is unique for each user.

E.g. for user ID: Peter.

The filled in login page would look like this:


After filling up the details, click on allGeo Login Button. 

2] Load Page/Information

Upon logging in, by default the LOAD INFORMATION will be displayed below the ADD/EDIT LOADS segment.

3] Filtering Results for the Load Details

 The Load page can be further refined using the following Filters:

Group Selection: By default, all Groups are selected to show up, which can be changed to show specific Groups.

Search by: By default, all Loads [Load# (All)] are selected to show up, which can be changed to show yesterday’s load by selecting Load# (Yesterday) or today’s load by selecting Load# (Today).

After setting the criteria for the refinement, click on Search Button

4] Knowing the STATUS of a Device

To Know the current status of the device, you can refer to the Device Status Column.

If the Status is marked as OK, it indicates that the App is working fine.

If the Status is marked as Device Active:2mo ago, it indicates that App last communicated with our servers 2 months ago.

If the Status is marked as Device Opted-Out, it indicates that the user needs to install the app and register his number.


1] Real Time Locations of the Loads

At any time, if required to View the real time locations of the Loads, you can select the particular Loads and click on the Pushpin icon.

In the above image, two devices are selected and the Push-Pin icon is marked clicking on which would do a Real-Time Location Look-up for the 2 selected loads.

 2] Last Location of the Load

To view the Last Location of the selected loads, you can select the World icon after selecting the devices.

Selecting the device and clicking on the World Icon would open up a new window showing the last location of the selected loads on a Map.

If the label is Green in colour, it indicates that the driver is inside a Job-Site.

A plain label indicates he is on his way (NOT inside his assigned Job Site).

Clicking on the Label would pop up the details for the load.

3] Getting the Breadcrumb History 

Clicking on the Show Breadcrumb you can see the Breadcrumb History for the particular load.

4] Selecting ALL LOADS

To Select All the Devices at once, check the Box on the left-hand side of Driver #.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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