Employees: Getting started with allGeo (Android device)
This section contains articles relevant for employee users who operate using an Android device.
Employees: Getting Started with allGeo (iOS device)
This section contains articles relevant for employee users who operate using an iOS device.
Managers: Getting Started with allGeo Web Application
In this section you will find articles that will help you get started with the new allGeo System for managing mobile employees & assets.
Managers: Getting started using allGeo mobile app
Integrations and APIs
This space is a collection of articles that discuss integration & APIs for the allGeo Platform
allGeo Video library
This collection contains useful short videos of most commonly used allGeo features.
SOS Workflow
This space has a collection of articles that explain SOC workflow and System set up details.
allGeo Support
Best Practices for Custom Workflow
Document Explaining Best Practices for Specific Workflows