allGeo uses its scheduler to setup location tracking and reporting.
It automatically creates two such schedules under Master Schedule at the time of account creation viz. company_name-Locate and company_name-Report, which can be edited to fit the requirement.
For Acme Inc, it would look like:
This schedule will initiate location tracking for the Team with following defaults:
Location Tracking for all the employees from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM with a frequency set at Account level (typically 15 mins).
This schedule will send the Breadcrumb report and Time-Clocking Basic Automatic report for the Team with following defaults:
Report for last 24 hours every Monday to Friday, at 6PM.
If you have employees with different shifts, you can organize them into groups and create schedules specific to these groups. Here's how. [A]
[B] Action that can be performed on the table
View: To view the schedule details. Learn more about permissions here.
Edit: To change the schedule details/settings.
Copy: To create a copy of a schedule to easily inherit the properties.
Delete: To delete a schedule.
[C] Active-Inactive Schedules
There's a dropdown with two options on the top of the table to switch between Active and Inactive schedules.
Table Headers explained-
ID: Assigned unique ID to a schedule.
Type: If it is a Locate, Report, Message or Rule schedule.
Assignee: To whom this schedule is assigned: Employee or a Group.
Phone#: if an employee or else it will show "All".
Active Days: Days when the schedule will run.
Recurring by: If the schedule needs to recur, them it defines the interval.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to write to us at