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Checking assigned Work Order cards - iOS

This article describes how employee(s) can check their assigned Work Order cards in a desired date range.

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Written by Support
Updated over 3 months ago

This article explains:
A. How to reach Work Order screen.

A Work Order is a task or a job for a customer that has been scheduled and assigned to employee(s). It provides a description of the details of a job.

Employee(s) can have a single or multiple work orders scheduled for them by their managers. The Work Order Screen helps them to check all their scheduled Work orders for the desired date range.

A. You can reach Work Order screen from:

a. Menu List

b. Navigation bottom bar

After you click on 'Work Order', you will reach the work order screen as shown below:

On the work order screen you will see today's and tomorrow's work orders by default, as shown in the screen above.


To check work orders for a specific date range:

  1. Click on the edit button and fill in the desired dates.
    Note: The selection can not go beyond 31 days.

  2. Click on the check mark icon. (After you fill in the dates, the edit icon turns into a check mark icon).

    - All your work orders in the provided date range are listed here.

(In the gif above, the user enters 15 July, 2021 - 30th July, 2021 as the date range. You can now see all the assigned Work Orders within this specified date range.)


To find a particular keyword:

  1. Enter the keyword in the search box.

  2. Click on the search icon.
    - You will see all the Work Order cards that consist of the searched keyword.

(In the gif above, the user searches for the keyword 'departure' which then shows all the Work Order cards where their status is 'departure'.)


Each Work order assigned to employee(s) by their manager shows up as a 'card' on 'Work Order' screen.

Each Work Order card consists of the detailed description of the work order.

On the particular Work Order card:

  1. Click on the small downward arrow icon.

  2. You will be able to see the following details:
    Status, Job site, Start time, End time, Task name, Address, Message.

  3. You will see 2 icons here: 'Attach' to add a media file without checking in to a job status & 'Clock' to check into a job status for the respective work order.

  4. Click on the small upward arrow icon to hide the details.

Click here to check how to do a Work Order status update via Work Order screen.

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