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Work Order
Written by Neha Panna
Updated over 3 months ago

Work Order provides all the necessary information about the completion of tasks or jobs within a business.
Note: It can be availed on request to

How to reach the page?

  • Click on Schedule

  • Click on Work Order

  • You have landed on the main page of Work Order.

Main Page Overview:

The schedule Work Order main view page is comprised of two views

Table View

  1. "Date Range (From)” - "Date Range (To)” will show the work orders in the specified date range.
    By default date range selection for both will be the current date

  2. On clicking Refresh button, the user will find the records from the selected time range

  3. Export to Excel option will export the records of the table to a XLSX file.

  4. The search functionality will enable the user to search for a specific work order.

  5. Add New button will let the user add new work orders.

  6. Bulk Delete option will delete multiple work orders at once by selecting them first.

A. View a Work Order

  1. Click on "View" (eye icon) from the Action panel for the particular record.

  2. The popup will show all the details of the work order.

  3. Click on "pencil icon" to edit the work order

  4. Click on "bin icon" to delete work order

  5. Click on "Cancel" button to go back to the main view.

B. Add a new Work Order

Manual addition of work order:

  1. Click on “+” button to add a new work order.

  2. A pop-up opens. There are two options to add a new work order. Manual and Bulk Upload.

  3. There are three options to add a new work order i.e. Employee, Unassigned Employee and Group.

  4. Work Order are also classified as Recurring and Non-recurring. The options are given as radio buttons at the top.

  5. For Employee, the user can select the employee name from the drop down list of the employee column and it will auto populate the device ID.

  6. For Unassigned Employee, as the user selects this option the list is auto populated with all the available employees in the account who don't have any work order assigned to them.

  7. For Groups, all the groups associated with the account are listed in the dropdown. Once selected the list auto populates with all the employees assigned to the group.

  8. For Recurring and Non-recurring Work Order, the process for selecting time ranges varies.

  9. Click on Done to successfully add the work order.

  10. The user will see a success toast message: ‘’Work Order has been added successfully’’

Bulk addition of work order:

1. Click on “+” button to add a new work order.

2. A pop-up opens. There are two options to add a new work order. Manual and Bulk Upload. Click on Bulk Upload.
3. A pop-up appears from where you can download the desired sample files and make relevant changes to it.
4. Upload the updated csv file and click on 'Upload'.

5. The user will see a success toast message: ‘’Work Order has been added successfully’’

Please Note: We also support CSV, XLS and XLSX format.
While uploading in the XLS/XLSX format the date is supposed to be in text format

C. Edit a Work Order

  1. Click on "Edit" (pencil icon) from the Action panel for a particular record.

  2. A pop-up opens up.

  3. The user can edit all the fields for the work order except the Work Order ID.

  4. “Edit Recurring Item” prompt opens up if the work order is recurring showing a message “Do you want to edit only this event occurrence or the whole series?”

  5. For non-recurring work order, the edit pop-up opens up directly.

  6. Once the user has updated the information. Click on "Save" button.

  7. The user will be directed the main view page and will be prompted with a message “Work Order updated successfully”.

  8. If the user has updated the information and doesn't wish to save the changes, click on "X" button at the top right corner:

    The user would be prompted "The changes are still unsaved. Are you sure you want to leave?"

    If Yes → The changes are not saved. Furthermore, the user redirected to the main view page. If not, the user will be in the edit pop-up screen.

D. Delete a Work Order

  1. Click on "Delete (bin icon)" from the Action panel for a particular record.

  2. A pop-up opens up.

  3. The user will see “Are you sure you want to delete this record?” and confirming “Do you want to delete only this event occurrence or the whole series?”

    3.1 If the user clicks on "Delete Series"

    • The user will see a toast message “All Work Order are deleted.”

    • All the future work orders are deleted

    3.2 If the user clicks on "Delete Current Occurrence"

    • The user will see a toast message “Work Order is deleted.”

    • The current work order is only deleted.

  4. To cancel the delete operation, the user clicks on ‘X’ button at the top right corner of the pop-up.

Calendar View

Main Page Overview:

  1. Clicking the Today button will take the user to the current day calendar view.

    The left and right arrow button toggles between dates.

    Day, Work Week, Week, Month and Agenda will toggle the calendar view based on the selection.

  2. The date picker allows the user to pick a specific date and the WO for that date is displayed.

  3. Show Business Hours/Show Full Day toggle will change the timeline in the calendar view.

  4. Employee list associated with the account are displayed at the right side pane.

A. Editing Work Order Card

  1. Double-click on the Work Order card.

  2. A pop up opens. “Edit Recurring Item” prompt opens up if the WO is recurring. For non-recurring work order, the edit pop-up opens up directly.

  3. After editing, the user can click on Save to save the work order.

  4. In order to cancel the changes, the use can click on Cancel.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to write to us at

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